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There is always hope, right?

What ‘C-EIZE THE LIGHT’ is, first of all, is the story of my very personal Cancer journey.

But after that, I hope it is much more.

When I was diagnosed in March 2018 with ‘Triple Negative Breast Cancer’, I was no different from any other of the too many women served with this frightening, completely and utterly life-changing diagnosis. 

At the moment the “C-word” was expressed to me by my, thankfully wonderful and compassionate surgeon, my whole world crashed down. All of a sudden everything I believed in was shaken and subsequently shattered to pieces. 

Like everybody else in this situation, I was absolutely shocked and completely devastated. A natural food lover with solid health, a passionate writer and a holistic Soul Coach, who “had it all figured out”.

Plus no family history, none whatsoever! Nevertheless. 

At the time of my diagnosis spirituality had already been an important part of my life then in my pretty challenging existence for a while and had been continuously strengthening over the last years due to numerous occurring tragedies.

So thankfully at this point in my life, it had become my daily companion and I know now that the yet increasing connection to the “Great Universe” was my salvation in these dark times ahead. It was exactly that, what carried me through these distressing months of bad news, endless tests, pokes and cuts, the incredibly feared chemotherapy and ultimately my double mastectomy. Carrying deep in my heart the belief, that everything happening in our lives happens for a reason and in fact that every disease has a purpose beyond that, a message for us and a spiritual background. Cancer is no different. On the contrary!

In my personal view, Cancer is the one with the most compelling message for us. Beyond that usual “F** U Cancer!” or “Kicking Cancers Ass!”  

Obviously, this awareness was great and well but what to do with all these rollercoaster emotions?

After the first soul-crushing days and nights, I began, what I always do since I was a kid when I feel my ground shaking: I write. Therefore one of those dark evenings, I sat down and let my pen put into words what the tears could not express. I handed everything over to “my” Great Universe and wrote down all my feelings, raw and honest. 

‘C-EIZE THE LIGHT’ was born.

When the whole thing began evolving beyond my initial notion, I noticed something growing in me at the same time. An insatiable yearning to inspire women by letting them be a part of my journey.

An idea had emerged and the intention behind ‘C-EIZE THE LIGHT’ materialised. The aspiration to shed a different light on one of the scariest diseases out there, which unfortunately is hitting more and more women all over the world, every day. Which for me led to endless nights (night time has ever been my time of inspiration) of feeding my white computer screen with the impatiently waiting cursor on it, with all my tumultuous feelings. Always accompanied with the inner desire to reach as many women as possible, struggling as I did and still do and to hopefully being able to inspire and empower them! 

Especially women like me, who fall through this typical “cancer support net”. The ones with no family support or loving husband but instead find themselves completely alone on this insane journey - in my case solely with my then 12-year-old daughter! Guided by my beloved Great Universe! At all times.

In my personal opinion, the time has come to start looking at Cancer differently as the traditional approach does not seem to lead to the desired outcome, the (medical) world is looking for. 

Be assured, it is not my intention to disregard modern medicine, on the contrary! Thank goodness, the research and hence progress reached in the field are incredible and most importantly saved my life which I am so ridiculously grateful for! 

But beyond all this extensive medical research and increase in life span for diagnosed women today, it didn’t bring the success everybody hoped for. The amount of women diagnosed with Cancer has not declined, the opposite! Cancer has become an epidemic.

... to be continued...

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